database query

Terms from Artificial Intelligence: humans at the heart of algorithms

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A database query is a computer language for accessing database entries based on the content of fields and relationships between them. The most well known is SQL which is sued on raelational databases consisting of sets of tables. or SPARQL for RDF triple stores An example of an SQL query is:

    SELECT Name, Wage FROM "Payroll" WHERE Wage >= '15000'

Which chooses all the records where the Wage field is at least 1500 and then returns the Name and Wage field for each.

Query languages are often of a form that can be hand written, but they usually require considerable technical expertise, and it ismmore common for the query to be generated by a user interface. They typically offer the ability to filter entries and join different data collections (tables in SQL) together.

Database queries may be needed to gather training data for machine learning, but AI may also be used to help end users create database queries, as seen in Query-by-Browsing.

Used in Chap. 13: page 214; Chap. 21: page 357

Also known as database queries